VALIVAL Digital Agency

Smile Shop

“The World has survived because it has laughed!” – with these words, as a 1st of April Fool’s joke, I met the owners of this future online store. This phrase fully described the purpose of the Smile Shop website. Created not only to entertain but also to offer useful products with a smile, this shop offers a selection of unusual and funny gifts, with a catchy note.


Design as a fun

When you have to make a design for fun things, you inevitably smile while doing it and make it fun. Of course, in the beginning, I start thinking of what would make people smile. As often some may say “crazy people always smile of the colourfulness” I decide to change my usual approach to the design and to bring a bit of “craziness” in it, putting on the user’s face an instant smile and a good mood while browsing for a gift in the website. It was simple – I just didn’t want another boring website.

User experience which gains smiles

It was fun to create this funny website just like fun. It was also funny to see how easy I went through the design process, making it just happen. When you have an amazing as a fun tool for designing online shops like the Valival Commerce platform, the mobile device version becomes good as fun, too. With its rich functionalities and vast customisation options was truly amazing to see how my design converts a real online shop for fun – one of those that makes you feel good.

© 2025 Dimitar Nikolov. All Rights Reserved! Design: Dimitar Nikolov   Coding: Polina Soboleva