VALIVAL Digital Agency

Pure For Life

The brand name Pure for Life™ says it all – they produce products made out of the purest naturally extracted hemp using a scientifically-proven patented technology. The company operates in the US market. Their wish was to have an innovative website, beautifully designed with detailed presentational product part that underlines the main ingredient – a full spectrum CBD, extracted through a unique technology and its many benefits that comes with the use of their wide range of product applications.


Could a nice design make you feel relaxed?

What was specific for this website and also challenging for me as a designer was that all the products contain CBD or cannabidiol – an ingredient that is extracting from cannabis plants. Still, this is a tabu zone for many people because they think of these as drug-related products. My main goal was how to present that the CBD is completely harmless because many recent clinical research and studies give sufficient high-quality evidence that it is effective for pain relief, anxiety, cognition, movement disorders, epilepsy disorders and many, many others. The website should be enough serious about this topic and at the same time, it has to relax users and make them confident while choosing a product from Pure for Life.

Small screen gives the same possibilities as the big one

It’s always exciting to see your design on a mobile device. Few little issues came up with the design but we succeed to fix them and it turns out to be a nice online shop with informative product presentations, that does look great even on small screen resolutions.

© 2025 Dimitar Nikolov. All Rights Reserved! Design: Dimitar Nikolov   Coding: Polina Soboleva