VALIVAL Digital Agency
Mladen Penev

Mladen Penev – Creative Retoucher

Born in Bulgaria, now renown among the creative community, Austrian retoucher Mladen Penev graduated graphic design in the class of the famous Walter Lürzer in Vienna, where he lives and work since. He has a twin brother – Christo Penev, with whom they work in partnership for many major advertising campaigns in Austria for clients such as Toyota, OMV, BMW, Braun, etc.


The Challenge

The challenges of designing this website weren’t an easy process as ultimately as it looks like now. Mladen challenged me and the programmers with high-end requirements for front- and back-end that led us to few unusual and creative approaches in both UI and admin parts of the website. We’ve made countless tests under different screen resolutions and browsers, as Mladen did too until together have achieved a result that satisfies our own willing for perfection, paying attention to every small detail and how it interacts with the rest of the interface in many resolutions and various devices.

A creative mind that never rest

In every part of the website, you will find surprising and even innovative functionality – of those that may occur only into the mind of a creative person like Mladen Penev. The “devil” is in the details, some may say.

Small, smart and simple

It is simple as that – logo, menu, and… all of Mladen Penev’s works right at the tip of your finger. The smarter design doesn’t mean something extraordinary. Sometimes it needs to be as simple as possible. Some may say the devil is hiding in the details. That’s the case here.

© 2025 Dimitar Nikolov. All Rights Reserved! Design: Dimitar Nikolov   Coding: Polina Soboleva