VALIVAL Digital Agency

Korona M

Korona M is a company leader on the Bulgarian market with main activity processing and sale of nuts and producer of all types of popcorn, pellets, caramelized products and chocolate dragees. They asked for a presentational website that combines company info, services and all the product portfolio in one place. As most of their product packagings are very colourful I’ve designed a vivid website with nice colour combinations snd schemes.

Colourful and yummy

Every detail was designed to bring you joy but also to make you a little more hungry than you are. After a minute spent on the website, you are already a fan of one or maybe a few products which you promise yourself definitely to buy and try next time when you go to the grocery. The main goals of the website are to find more (hungry) distributors of their products and spread them through a big network national-wide.

Different devices – one tasty experience

When all the design elements of the big screen look great, the designer knows that on a mobile device, things often could go wrong. So I tried to create the design look just as good and tasty on a mobile device as already one could have on the big screen without sacrificing even a pixel from its functionality or UX.

© 2025 Dimitar Nikolov. All Rights Reserved! Design: Dimitar Nikolov   Coding: Polina Soboleva