VALIVAL Digital Agency


Codkey Technologies LTD is a company specializing in the production and sale of programmable electronic locking systems & access control. Their innovative approach to the business was naturally transferred into a wish for a fresh, modern and good looking new website. It came as a natural extension of a high-tech business course as they recently rebrand its entire company style and logo.


The Challenge

It is always a pleasure to work for a company with a new and fresh corporate look. The website had to be a mix of the presentational website with the product portfolio and online shop with options to buy a product. It has to express the new vision of the company in the context of its brand new visual identity. I had also a task to highlight their services and through some visual examples to illustrate in what combinations and where their products fit most effectively.

The beauty of the simplicity

I designed the welcome screen of the website with a big almost full-sized product image that levitates above the ground, as an accent. Some of their products are very elegant and beautifully designed parts such as the door handles or the key cylinders, and I decided to highlight those of them that deserves to be an accent. Generally, I’ve tried to keep the online shop part as simple and intuitive as I could, with clear navigations and easy-to-use product filters. I’ve chosen a monochrome scheme of colours for the website with a strong presence of the red colour, the main one from their brand identity, for the call-to-action elements and/or to highlight something for the design needs.

Beautifully simple, useful and… red

The design of the version for mobile devices became very intuitive and simple to use. The general look is clear and with no additional or distractive elements which made the website faster, feel more stylish and… red (:  All this was made possible with the great help of one of the best platforms for online shops that I’ve worked with – Valival Commerce and its team.

© 2025 Dimitar Nikolov. All Rights Reserved! Design: Dimitar Nikolov   Coding: Polina Soboleva